Symbol Library - Mechanical

Description: Mechanical symbols

Symbols: 10

Download: Mechanical.7z - 1.5K

Symbol Description
DIN_Rail_AdapterDescription: DIN Rail adapter universal, mounting holes without connection
Keys: Mounting holes, DIN rail adapter
FiducialDescription: Fiducial Marker
Keys: fiducial marker
HeatsinkDescription: Heatsink
Keys: thermal heat temperature
Heatsink_PadDescription: Heatsink with electrical connection, 1 pin
Keys: thermal heat temperature
Heatsink_Pad_2PinDescription: Heatsink with electrical connection, 2 pin
Keys: thermal heat temperature
Heatsink_Pad_3PinDescription: Heatsink with electrical connection, 3 pin
Keys: thermal heat temperature
HousingDescription: Housing
Keys: housing enclosure
Housing_PadDescription: Housing with connection pin
Keys: housing enclosure shield
MountingHoleDescription: Mounting Hole without connection
Keys: mounting hole
MountingHole_PadDescription: Mounting Hole with connection
Keys: mounting hole

Last updated on 19 October 2021
